Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Bucky and Missi's party

As you can see, I'm no speedy

gonzales (spelling?)

But here are a couple of pictures,

for those that weren't there :-)

The Girls givin Momma some lovin'

Some that were feeling tired and
under the weather...

Some that were running from the
camera, but found themselves stuck
in front of it anyway...

Last minute chats on the way
out the door...

Lots of Really good food!

Deep conversations...

And with the games that followed...
Pretty much, a really good time!


Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

That posted kinda goofy

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

Am glad to see it posted!

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

looks like fun....too bad missi was under the weather! thanks for posting the pics.

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

Thank you for those pictures! I especially like the one of me yawning :-)