Monday, May 08, 2006


Hello from Da 'Range. This weekend was quite exciting. Pete came to visit (he was here last weekend too, but could come again). I had my garage sale and lost money=), Shawn had his trucks at the auction and didn't sell his trucks but bought something so, he lost money=). Then our chickens are getting way too big to be in a cow tank, so we built a chicken coop. It is really quite nice. It is going to have siding on it that we are getting free from someon due to them having hail damaged siding. So, overall a wonderful weekend. As of this morning, my chickens were still alive. We weren't sure if the cats would try to climb through the eaves to eat chicken, but they didn't last night. Not only that but my male cat is not highly motivated. The two female cats are both pregnant (guess who the father is?) and they can't climb as well as they used to, so hopefully our chickes will remain safe until we get the eaves done. I hope everyone has a wonderful week.


Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

Hey Heather....How did you lose money at your garage sale?
Didn't you have new kittens last summer when we were there?

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

You are going to have kittens coming out of your ears, at least they are not rabbits!!! (smiles)

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

I lost money at the garage sale because being in Eveleth for many hours in a day, you have to pick up the phone and order a Poor Gary's Pizza. It is an exhilerating experience to have it delivered!
I did have kittens the last time you were up, Jenny. Those kittens have gotten big and they are now having kittens. I have to get rid of these or I see cats ruling my home when the kittens then have their own kittens.... Heather