Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Questions from Jen when she was in Brainerd. Maybe a pkg. of flower seeds to the winner!

Q. Half of all Americans live within 50 miles of what?
Q. Most boat owners name their boats. What is the most
popular boat name requested?
Q. If you were to spell out numbers, how far would you have
to go until you would find the letter "A"?
Q. What do bulletproof vests, fire escapes, windshield wipers,
and laser printers all have in common?
Q. What is the only food that doesn't spoil?
Q. Which day are there more collect calls than any other day
of the year?


Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

- Where they were born...
- Freedom
- One Thousand (unless you cheat and count backwards... "negative one"
- They were all part of the robbery? The theif, slipping down the fire escape, landed on the windshield wipers of the car below, while the laser printer, bounced off of the bulletproof vest of the officer chasing him?
- Honey
- Fathers Day

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

Either that... or they were all invented by women...

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

#1 correct
#2 wrong
#3 correct
#4 wrong
#5 correct
#6 correct

The second comment had it correct,
all invented by women for #4

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

the second thought was an after thought... think I heard that somewhere before... so its just the boat now... hmmmm


Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

I want to post my answer to #1 even though the answers are already stated. My brilliant answer is: THEIR HOME. hahaha.
As for the boat: is it princess or ladyslipper?

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

I know the answer to the boat question ... they say that everything you know is filed in your memory somewhere. I have lost the index for the filing system and am unable to retrieve that particular bit of information, but I know I've heard it somewhere. Most annoying!

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

I said that the first person had
No. 1 correct is because they meant the same thing. Actual
answer was their birthplace. Mom

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

can we have the name of the boat now, or are we still guessing?

Kuoppala and Inlaws said...

Oh, so sorry. Name of boat is
Obsession. Personally wouldn't
have guessed that in a million years. Mom