Shawn: "When we got married, Heather insisted on no pigs".
Seller: "Did you finally get warn down to agreeing?"
Me: "No, I had home raised pork and store bought pork and there is no question, we needed pigs".
Shawn's vehicle smelled horrific the whole way home. He had to help load them and, Thanks to Jen, the smell has finally lessened on his hands with her great idea of vinegar, water, and vanilla. It still didn't kill the smell completely, but at least we could sleep at night :)
Piglets really are cute. Somehow they just don't stay that way. I guess that is true with all animals, and with us too, eh?
If anyone has forgotten the taste of roasted homegrown pork, we are doing a fundraiser pigroast Saturday evening at Mark and Merja's near here. It is a benefit for the congregation's building fund. We are planning a farmers market along with bonfire and hayrides. Hopefully the weather will hold out for us. If you're interested, there is still room. Just give me a call.
Sorry but the story Charlotte's Web comes to mind when I see little pigs...(smiles). They are cute!
Farmington Jo
Charlette's web is exactly what I was thinking about too! Lindsey just got done reading it in school about two weeks ago, and last weekend I bought her the book and she has been reading it every spare minute she has!
Wilbur. Yes, Wilbur is a fine pig. Heather, maybe you need to keep one for a pet. It'll help bring Charlotte's Web to life for your little one and for your nieces and nephews :)
Shoot ... one more book to add to the "Need to Read Sometime in This Lifetime" list ... Charlotte's Web.
anita, You have never read charlette's web?? have your kids read it in school?
I have never read Charlotte's Web either. Sad, huh? Will have to add it to my read list as well.
As for keeping a pig, we will likely always have pigs now for butchering or at least once a year we will likely get some. I want the whole experience of the sow, the boar, and the little piglets being born. We'll see.
Grandpa and Grandma K gave Mitchell the book "Charlotte's Web" for Christmas and I read this long, long ago! It is the most heart warming story every told, (right up there with "Old Yellar"!) But that is only if you believe that animals really talk to each other and to spiders as well (smiles) One of my favorites!
Farmington Jo
EB White also wrote "Trumpet of the Swan," another must read.
Wow, how many piglets did you get?
Pigs have cute eyes! dk
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