Friday, February 11, 2011

Celebrating E's 40th at Houlihan's

Opening her 1st of 40 gifts from Mom and Isä is a picture taken at the Eveleth City  Council meeting we attended.  Oh, the 1st gift was that red bag made by Gladys
Ruonavaara for holding plastic grocery bags which she used to put the wrapping paper
from all the gifts.
Pa made the "Liz" sign with 40 pennies starting with the year she turned one.  We could
not find all the pennies as you can see by the blank spots but when she finds them they
could be added.  The 6 books are all murder mysteries by Margaret Daniels, President
Truman's daughter and take place in Washington D.C. so Liz will be familiar with all
the places that are the settings for the murders.

Houlihan's was a nice restaurant and we all enjoyed what we had ordered.  Waitress
asked if he (Pa) was always so smiley!  We got S'mores for dessert free!!

p.s.  We got "Ultra Foam" on Favorites

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