Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Heidi turns 2 and has a birthday party

Heidi was so excited for her birthday party. 2 days prior, she was singing "Happy To You, 2 days". The day of her party resulted in a very short nap, but lots of hugs and kisses for Mommy out of sheer delight. When we sent out the party invites, the first person she said she wanted to invite was "sister". She took an invite and gave it to Hailey in the swing. When she heard her "sister" go her a present, she gave her a hug, kiss, and said "thank you sister". PRICELESS!

The day of her party, she practiced blowing so she could blow out the candle on her cake

I don't think she left Aunty Liz's side from when she arrived until she left :)

Velma made it to the party...

"Pappa" and Roger

Mindy Adkins with Hailey


Grandma and Cindy

A very poor picture of "Pappa Walter"

Uncle Randy

Loy Adkins with Hailey.
I couldn't get a good picture of the Adkins boys Rowdy and Gunnar as they never really sat still while I had the camera out; Heidi's pictures are mostly blurry too as she never really stopped moving :)
Uncle Dave and his girlfried Lisa and her son Joe were here as well, but I didn't get a picture of them. A houseful of people to help the little princess celebrate turning 2!!
(Shawn has to build an addition on the house just to hold the toys and gifts she got.... Sylvia is always trying to give Heidi more dolls. We keep saying she has enough, but they got her a doll for her birthday anyway. I counted up her dolls and we are up to 16 of them for a 2 year old!!!!) That doesn't count the stuffed animals... What are we to do with 2 girls in the house now :)

Monday, March 28, 2011

Brainerd snow

Another try this morning.  Maybe it prefers  morniings.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

10 inches of snow in Brainerd this past week.

 Wish I could have taken a picture of the right side of window only but had to take both.
Snow bank in our side parking lot was just beautiful.  Picture doesn't really show it.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Delinquency and all aside ...

we are still here in Palmer where the wind is blowing this morning. Feels like a little more than a breeze today.

I don't have pictures, but we're doing house projects over here at the moment. Well, not at the moment. At the moment I'm on the computer, Tia is eating cereal before she heads off to school and the rest of the house is sound asleep. When we're awake (more like Jari) we're trying to get some final projects done around here. Almost there! Hoping to have things ready for a good cleaning next week to get rid of sheetrock dust and paint smell.

Blayde left for Phoenix Monday evening ... moving back to a warmer climate. We're wishing him well!

Alyx is switching apartments this weekend.
The rest of us ... we're working, educating, facebooking, playing games, doing laundry, eating ... that sort of thing!

Hope everyone is doing well!

Friday, March 18, 2011

Some pictures of your relatives at Glady's funeral in Two Harbors

 Bill's girlfriend, Diane.  I worked with her aunt Sue at the 1st Nat'l. bank many moons
ago.   Your cousin Bill with his Aunt Diane!
Heather and Hailey with Bill's daughter Stephanie.  She works for NBC in Chicago.
 Jim and Jen with me at the Cloquet cemetery.  Jim has cancer on his face, his right side.
He also had same on the left side and it is all cleared up.  He is treating it with some type if salve.  He had Hodgkin's Lymphoma many years ago.

Brothers Jim and Bill.  Bill is 4 years older.  We were going to Perkins with Jen and she
invited Jim to join us.  Am so glad she did.  We covered numerous subjects.  I got 2
plants in one basket, one blooming and the other green.  Told them they can have their
pick.  In the sympathy card I wrote some memories starting when I was about 7 or 8
visiting Bill and Glady in Virginia when "Billy" was a baby, other memories through the
years and ending with our last 3 visits to see Glady at the Barross Cottage in Two Harbors.  On the first of those, without me asking she started naming our children.
When she said, "Ivan", she asked, "Am I through?"  Told her one more and she named
Jennifer.  The next time she again started naming our children but got stuck on Frans and when I supplied that she continued to the end.  Perhaps on our last visit she didn't
even recognize us.  I told that to the person working and she asked if I was Gladys'
niece and said no, her sister-in-law.  So ends another chapter of my life.

Sunday, March 13, 2011


I'll soon be here to meet you!
I've got lots of fun to share,
And now here's a baby shower
Aunt Jody is helping to prepare.
So come and join the party,
With friends and family,
To anticipate the arrival
Of Ivan and Missi's baby--Hey, that's me!

Signed "Baby Kuoppala"

Missi and Ivan's first born
June 4, 2011
2:00 pm
Missi and Ivan's home
given by: Jenny, (Missi's sister), Cassandra (Missi's best friend), Jody (sis-in-law)

They have registered at Target
I do have ideas for gift giving but I can not post on blog since they both read this.
I lost everyone's email since my last computer crashed so if you would drop me a
quick note to: jodykuo@charter.net I will send out a note.

I was teasing Ivan that his property taxes are going to go up real soon because his house is about to grow by 2 feet.


Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lindula Addition

We are very happy to announce the birth of our new baby girl!
Why Hailey Noel? We like the name Hailey and Noel is for
ReiNO and ELvin

Miss Heidi is very excited to have a little sister. Rather than call her Hailey, she calls her "baby sister"

This beautiful new little love is a miracle in many ways. She was born with the umbilical cord wrapped around her neck 5 times..... Heidi, along with her parents, are thankful for our Miracle!
Daddy and his girls :)

Miss Hailey is a little gem!!!!