Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Hello to all!

Just wanted to post a few new pictures of what is happening at the house!
A few weekends ago Ivan layed carpet in one of the back bedrooms.

Nice soft padding!

And nice soft carpeting!

This past Saturday, Ivan finished the last coat of paint in the master bedroom, went to Home Depot to get carpet, then layed it!  I was so excited to see this room finished!  The accent wall is a dark grey, with all the other walls light grey.  It turned out just like I hoped.

To add a little bit of color, Ivan suggested a dark red curtain.  I think it looks great!

This obviously is not anything with the house, but I had to tell Diane about this cake.  We celebrated my parents birthday this weekend and I was planning making a cake with two layers and frosting inbetween.  Ivan suggested putting some of Diane's jam inbetween instead of the frosting.  It was delicious!  Thank you for the jam!!

So the house is almost done.  There is one bedroom and the loft/stairs left to be carpeted, and a whole lot of trim, then we will be done with what we planned on doing when we bought the house.  I say "when we bought the house" because there is a lot that has been added to the list, but that stuff can wait!

That is about it!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Merry gets married!

Given away by her two oldest grandsons...

Calvin and Danyelle

 Mykl and Joyce

 Some of her granddaughters sang a song.
Heidi couldn't contain her enthusiasm about the couple getting married :)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Late Notice!

This coming Saturday, Merry Warwas is getting married. If anyone is interested in going in on a gift, let me know right away and send a check in the mail :) They don't want gifts unless they are practical, so I'm thinking gift card to SuperOne or something. I plan to be at the wedding on Saturday. If anyone else would like to come, feel free to do so. It is at the Loon Lake Community Center at 1PM.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

thoughts and opinions please

here is a logo disign that we came up with.  what do you think?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Celebrating E's 40th at Houlihan's

Opening her 1st of 40 gifts from Mom and Isä is a picture taken at the Eveleth City  Council meeting we attended.  Oh, the 1st gift was that red bag made by Gladys
Ruonavaara for holding plastic grocery bags which she used to put the wrapping paper
from all the gifts.
Pa made the "Liz" sign with 40 pennies starting with the year she turned one.  We could
not find all the pennies as you can see by the blank spots but when she finds them they
could be added.  The 6 books are all murder mysteries by Margaret Daniels, President
Truman's daughter and take place in Washington D.C. so Liz will be familiar with all
the places that are the settings for the murders.

Houlihan's was a nice restaurant and we all enjoyed what we had ordered.  Waitress
asked if he (Pa) was always so smiley!  We got S'mores for dessert free!!

p.s.  We got "Ultra Foam" on Favorites

Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Happy Birthday to No. 5

Elizabeth, Happy 40th Birthday.   Time has flown.  Lots of memories.  You have done
such a variety of things you should write a book.    Love, Mom and Isä

Sunday, February 06, 2011

been busy

I have been to busy to remember to post anything on here in a long time and we are hoping that it is going to stay that way for a year or so down here. figured I would put a link on here to show one of the things that has been keeping us busy. Give feed back to what you think I should post on here. I have my idea's but would love to hear yours.   link to my new blog is     http://ultrafoamllc.blogspot.com/