Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Christmas at our house....

 Just had to share that Heidi really is my daughter... she was eating butter with a spoon saying "nummie"
 Warmest wishes for the new year from our home to yours.
 Opening gifts with Aunty Jen... It took a few gifts for Heidi to realize she could just rip them open. She started out pulling off little pieces and putting them in the garbage.
 Talking to Grandma and Papa on the phone.
 opening gifts with Aunty Liz.
 She got babies!!!
 EVERYTHING becomes a blanket... towels, and Mommy's present...
She was so excited about her cow from Uncle Randy!!!

Hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas. Wishing you all the best in 2011!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

A busy Sunday in the Christmas Spirit

We enjoyed a delightful Sunday School Christmas Program with our 26 students
on Sunday evening.

Jari made it home from Montague Island on Sunday evening. Weather had kept
him, along with 3 other hunters, sort of stranded there for an extra 6 days.
The final count was 4 men, 10 deer, 2 mink, 8 ducks and lots of clams.
He wasn't home in time to enjoy the Christmas Program ....

but was home in time to celebrate Tia's 14th birthday
with a houseful of friends and family. 

Take a few minutes this week and enjoy the smell of pine around you
and taste the wonderful sweets of the season!


Monday, December 20, 2010

Heidi comes to visit Santa in Brainerd

The Sunday School Christmas program started at 3 p.m.  Besides readings and singing
by the students, Fiona Lee sang, "Heinillä Härkien Kaukalon" in Finnish.  Delicious meal
after the program and then Santa came.  Some children were excited, some were a bit
"cared" of the jolly Santa.  Enjoyed having Heather, Shawn, Heidi and Jen here.  Merry
Christmas to all and to all a good night.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Waiting for Santa

The last decoration to be put up was our tree today.  Isn't it amazing how such a small
tree drops such large cones!  The Christmas cactus has some blossoms and buds.  I have three different cactus in the same flower pot.  The white and reddish bloom at the
same time.  Writing Christmas cards.  Envelopes were addressed, by hand.  Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Blessed New Year.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Life this weekend...

 I appreciated that Shawn took Heidi out to do chores, riding in the backhoe bringing hay to the animals. I got to clean in the house. I've learned to appreciate how quickly one can clean alone, versus putting toys away only to have them taken out right behind me :) Heidi loves the backhoe.
 After coming inside, she talked to Aunty Jen for a while on the phone. THANKS JEN! Heidi loved it!
 Elmo was sick and needed medicine. Poor Elmo, and all the other toys, get food, bottles, medicine, and they are "thirsty" daily.
Tonight, she learned to hide in her closet. I told her it was time to go to bed. She went in her room and hid in the closet with the door shut. She may be getting the concept of hide and seek soon :)

Sunday, December 05, 2010

Time for more scrap iron

                                    Ready for surgery in surgery prep area
                         To room 521 w. Surgery done. This on  11 - 30 - 2011
                             Get out of bed day after surgery.  Pretty groggy.
                             Heidi comes to visit and to see grandpa's ouwe.
                             Leave hospital on Sat., 12-4, with mom driving.
                             Good roads with beautiful scenery with snow
                             laden trees.

Wednesday, December 01, 2010

Few pictures from around here....

Horseback riding :)

She posed for a little bit.

Then became her goofy self...

We've had a bit of snow. There's no need to only dream about a white Christmas.

Was not real thrilled with being outside

Catching up on the Wolf Lake news with Daddy.