Saturday, October 27, 2007

Marjanen Household News

News from our house:

Last weekend we had an offer on our house that we were working at counteroffering. Monday evening we had a family look at our house and Tuesday they made an offer. We accepted it on Tuesday and are looking forward to closing on November 19th if all goes according to plan. The family has 2 girls who go to school with our girls .. will be a nice addition to the cul-de-sac and hopefully continue to keep it a "quiet" place to be. Inspection is scheduled for Wednesday .. will see what they have to say. Am hopeful that it won't be too lengthy a list as we paid for an inspection ourselves before we listed the house originally. I think this means that we are down to 3 weeks and 2 days to pack our house and have a place to live up north. We are excited!!!

Yesterday I slowed down the packing process just a little bit. :) I went in Friday morning and had a laproscopic gall bladder removal. Came home today (Saturday) at noon .. slept part of the afternoon .. and have been listening to a good book on tape and working on Anna's quilt all evening. Now I think it is time for some sleep. Plan to chill out and relax until after the inspection is completed on Wednesday. As long as that goes well and they don't have any major problems with our hosue ... Alyx & Brock can help me start packing.

That's it from here for now. Just wanted to update those of you who read this blog and haven't heard the house news.

Have a great day all!

Monday, October 22, 2007

My Moose

For those of you that I haven't shown this to.... Meet "Honk, the Moose". My newest pet. Not really my pet, but I'm hoping that she does stay around. Someone was hunting at my house this weekend and claims that he saw "your moose" in the woods. I'm very excited. Hopefully, I can get another glimpse of it and a better picture.

Missi's shower

Sorry that I'm so late in posting. I've been a bit busy and haven't had time to spend at work posting pictures....
Missi's shower was a lot of fun. We had a great "brunch". Thanks to all of those that brought the food. It was great.
We went through the process of the wedding at the shower. 1st we needed the bride:

After we had the bride, we needed the "perfect man". Everyone worked diligently on their "play doh" men with Missi judging which was the "perfect man"...

After the bride and the perfect man were created, everyone wrote vows. I don't have any examples of them with me, so can't write what they were. After the vows, we knew there would be gifts. In order to remember 50 years from now on who gave what... we practiced with a pan full of items and the "memory" game.
Missi got to open her gifts too....

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wedding weekend

Rehearsal went well. Surprise that Liz was a reader for the wedding; hadn't heard that before.
Met the groomsman from Detroit. Went to David and Jody's for the grooms dinner which
consisted of a variety of pizzas, salad, pop, coffee and,of course, Diane's cheesecake. Very few
took salad but am glad Mitchell did. Ivan and Missi passed out gifts to attendants, parents,

The day of the wedding was beautiful. Couldn't have asked for anything better. As one of
the ushers ended up in a cast it was a nice touch that Ivan did some ushering. Also missing
was one of the bridesmaids as she had to go to an uncle's funeral that day. Wedding was
very nice; I guess I was too nervous to cry! The flower girls had looked at wedding videos
taken by their parents so they'd know how flower girls should act. They did a good job as
did the ring bearer but he was younger so laid down once in awhile.

Was nice to see a few at least from our side of the family at the wedding and reception.
Delicious food. Chicken was raved about by people who generally don't eat chicken.

Went to Missi's parents for gift opening Sunday morning. They certainly got a nice variety
of gifts. Then to Randall's for the father of the groom's 70th birthday. That was fun. Will
anxiously wait to see the video of the skit. dk

Friday, October 12, 2007

Happy Birthday Isa

Happy 70th Birthday!

Thanks for all you have done and for all that you are! May your day be filled with only love and happiness. Wishing you the best today and for many more wonderful years to come! I love you!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy Birthday dear Alyx,
Happy Birthday to you!

Wow, 16!

Heather and Shawn

Monday, October 08, 2007

Happy Birthday

Happy Belated Birthday, Gary!
I was thinking of you, but things were busy for me all day. Hope your day was great and all that you wanted it to be!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Life of a goat farmer...

One of my goats had babies on Wednesday. Both kids were doing fine. Thursday AM, the bigger one couldn't walk anymore. Brought it in the house. Milked Mama and fed baby. Went to work, researched on the internet, decided it had to be "floppy kid syndrome". Off to get pedialite... Fed it, held it, did all sorts of tricks with it and it got stronger. The problem was that last night, I didn't leave it on a heating pad and it died. I tried. Know better for next time....
